Features:Cost effective cum durable waterproofing and chemical resistant. Protects rebar from rusting due to corrosion. Excellent UV resistance and tensile strength. Reduced efflorescence and salt penetrationApplication Area:

Used as Repair mortar, Economical waterproofing of sunken portions, Bonding coat, Corrosion protection of steelConsumption/coverage:

For mixing ratios refer the pack or technical data sheetPacking:

500 gm, 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg & 200 kgShort Description:

Multipurpose acrylic polymer for waterproofing and repair with corrosion inhibitor DIFFUCIT TechnDescription:

D007 DURABUILD ACRYLIC POLYMER is an acrylic based cementitious liquid polymer emulsion with multiple complex corrosion inhibitor technology viz. DIFFUCIT® (Diffusive Corrosion Inhibiting Technology) designed for use as an additive with cementitious systems for bonding coat, waterproof coating and cement/sand mortars, screeds, etc.

Technical literature: (Click to view & download Technical data)

Note: We do possess 100% performance oriented product technology and can provide you customized products (other than the ones mentioned) with properties that exactly suit your needs.